Let's Chart About That!

Select Episode:

In all charts Rhett's data is RED, Link's Data is BLUE and combined data is PURPLE.

Rhett & Link Combined Data

Final Ranked Results
Final Rank Item Total Score Rhett's Score Link's Score Numeric Rank
1Birthday Snack Pepperidge Farm Birthday Cake Soft Baked Cookies15780773
2Birthday Snack Lindt Lindor Birthday Cake White Chocolate Truffles17890881
3Birthday Snack Dough Ball Birthday Cake Whiskey15974852
4Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Kit Kat15770873
Ranking By Score
Rank Item Total Score Rhett's Score Link's Score
1Birthday Snack Lindt Lindor Birthday Cake White Chocolate Truffles1789088
2Birthday Snack Dough Ball Birthday Cake Whiskey1597485
3Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Kit Kat1577087
Birthday Snack Pepperidge Farm Birthday Cake Soft Baked Cookies1578077
4Birthday Snack Kodiak Birthday Cake Protein Balls1517477
5Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Oreos1447965
6Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Loaded Cereal1367165
7Birthday Snack Pinnacle Cake Flavored Vodka1314982
8Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Bunny Grahams1263888
9Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Dum-Dums1247450
10Birthday Snack Bocce's Birthday Cake Crunchy Dog Biscuits1216160
11Birthday Snack The Safe + Fair Food Company Birthday Cake Popcorn1146945
12Birthday Snack Natural Endurance Birthday Cake Protein Chips1096049
13Birthday Snack Creative Snacks Co. Birthday Cake Yogurt Covered Pretzels1024755
14Birthday Snack Gotta B' Sweet Birthday Cake Cotton Candy1015051
15Birthday Snack Drizzilicious Birthday Cake Rice Cakes905040
16Birthday Snack Hershey's Birthday Cake Bar865135
17Birthday Snack Quest Protein Birthday Cake Cookies714724
18Birthday Snack Jelly Belly Birthday Cake Jelly Beans603030
19Birthday Snack Pork King Good Birthday Cake Pork Rinds593821
20Birthday Snack Mavericks Birthday Cake Bolt Cookies501832
21Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Crispy Snack Bars472522
22Birthday Snack Fiber One Birthday Cake Bars321715
23Birthday Snack Quest Birthday Cake Protein Bar311219
24Birthday Snack 365 Birthday Cake Sandwich Cremes302010
25Birthday Snack Madegood Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars261214
Birthday Snack Melba's Fixins Birthday Cake Soda261214
Items With Largest Score Difference
Rank Item Score Difference Rhett's Score Link's Score
1Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Bunny Grahams503888
2Birthday Snack Pinnacle Cake Flavored Vodka334982
3Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Dum-Dums247450
Birthday Snack The Safe + Fair Food Company Birthday Cake Popcorn246945
4Birthday Snack Quest Protein Birthday Cake Cookies234724
5Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Kit Kat177087
Birthday Snack Pork King Good Birthday Cake Pork Rinds173821
6Birthday Snack Hershey's Birthday Cake Bar165135
7Birthday Snack Mavericks Birthday Cake Bolt Cookies141832
Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Oreos147965
8Birthday Snack Dough Ball Birthday Cake Whiskey117485
Birthday Snack Natural Endurance Birthday Cake Protein Chips116049
9Birthday Snack 365 Birthday Cake Sandwich Cremes102010
Birthday Snack Drizzilicious Birthday Cake Rice Cakes105040
10Birthday Snack Creative Snacks Co. Birthday Cake Yogurt Covered Pretzels84755
Count Of Time Higher Score Given
Episode Rhett Link Tie
Birthday Snack15111

Rhett's Data

Full Ranking
Rank Item Score
1Birthday Snack Lindt Lindor Birthday Cake White Chocolate Truffles90
2Birthday Snack Pepperidge Farm Birthday Cake Soft Baked Cookies80
3Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Oreos79
4Birthday Snack Dough Ball Birthday Cake Whiskey74
Birthday Snack Kodiak Birthday Cake Protein Balls74
Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Dum-Dums74
5Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Loaded Cereal71
6Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Kit Kat70
7Birthday Snack The Safe + Fair Food Company Birthday Cake Popcorn69
8Birthday Snack Bocce's Birthday Cake Crunchy Dog Biscuits61
9Birthday Snack Natural Endurance Birthday Cake Protein Chips60
10Birthday Snack Hershey's Birthday Cake Bar51
11Birthday Snack Gotta B' Sweet Birthday Cake Cotton Candy50
Birthday Snack Drizzilicious Birthday Cake Rice Cakes50
12Birthday Snack Pinnacle Cake Flavored Vodka49
13Birthday Snack Quest Protein Birthday Cake Cookies47
Birthday Snack Creative Snacks Co. Birthday Cake Yogurt Covered Pretzels47
14Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Bunny Grahams38
Birthday Snack Pork King Good Birthday Cake Pork Rinds38
15Birthday Snack Jelly Belly Birthday Cake Jelly Beans30
16Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Crispy Snack Bars25
17Birthday Snack 365 Birthday Cake Sandwich Cremes20
18Birthday Snack Mavericks Birthday Cake Bolt Cookies18
19Birthday Snack Fiber One Birthday Cake Bars17
20Birthday Snack Quest Birthday Cake Protein Bar12
Birthday Snack Madegood Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars12
Birthday Snack Melba's Fixins Birthday Cake Soda12

Link's Data

Full Ranking
Rank Item Score
1Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Bunny Grahams88
Birthday Snack Lindt Lindor Birthday Cake White Chocolate Truffles88
2Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Kit Kat87
3Birthday Snack Dough Ball Birthday Cake Whiskey85
4Birthday Snack Pinnacle Cake Flavored Vodka82
5Birthday Snack Pepperidge Farm Birthday Cake Soft Baked Cookies77
Birthday Snack Kodiak Birthday Cake Protein Balls77
6Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Oreos65
Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Loaded Cereal65
7Birthday Snack Bocce's Birthday Cake Crunchy Dog Biscuits60
8Birthday Snack Creative Snacks Co. Birthday Cake Yogurt Covered Pretzels55
9Birthday Snack Gotta B' Sweet Birthday Cake Cotton Candy51
10Birthday Snack Birthday Cake Dum-Dums50
11Birthday Snack Natural Endurance Birthday Cake Protein Chips49
12Birthday Snack The Safe + Fair Food Company Birthday Cake Popcorn45
13Birthday Snack Drizzilicious Birthday Cake Rice Cakes40
14Birthday Snack Hershey's Birthday Cake Bar35
15Birthday Snack Mavericks Birthday Cake Bolt Cookies32
16Birthday Snack Jelly Belly Birthday Cake Jelly Beans30
17Birthday Snack Quest Protein Birthday Cake Cookies24
18Birthday Snack Annie's Birthday Cake Crispy Snack Bars22
19Birthday Snack Pork King Good Birthday Cake Pork Rinds21
20Birthday Snack Quest Birthday Cake Protein Bar19
21Birthday Snack Fiber One Birthday Cake Bars15
22Birthday Snack Madegood Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars14
Birthday Snack Melba's Fixins Birthday Cake Soda14
23Birthday Snack 365 Birthday Cake Sandwich Cremes10

* Peanut Butter Quotient is calculated by taking the difference between the average score for peanut butter focused flavors and the average score for non-peanut butter focused flavors. Flavors designated as "Peanut Butter" focused are as follows - None.

** Nice! Factor is calculated by summing up the number of times a score of 69 has been given (or received?!). Nice!

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